COMMON MERGANSER (Mergus merganser)

©Nigel Key Common Merganser (Slimbridge April 2011)

The Common Merganser, also known as the Goosander, is a Sea Duck and is as much at home in salt water as fresh water. They have serrated edges to their bills to help them grip fish, eels etc.

The Merganser is an expert diver and can expertly catch fish, such as Salmon and Trout making them unpopular with fishermen.

   Hear the Common Merganser's Call:-
Conservation Status

580mm to 720mm (24" to 28")

Appearance - Male
The male has a Black iridescent Green crest, head and neck, Red hooked bill, Black upperparts, White Breast with a Salmon/Pink tinge and flanks, White underparts wirh a Grey tail and rump. The feet and legs are Red/Orange.

Appearance - Female
The female has largely Grey plumage, with a Red/Brown head, White chin and White secondary feathers on the wing.

Lakes and Rivers of forested areas of Europe, North and Central Asia and North America.

Fish, Molluscs, Crustaceans, Worms, Insect Larvae and Amphibians.

Breeding Time
Early April to June

Nests in tree hollow or large nest boxes or holes in cliffs.

Quantity: 7 to 14
Colour: Creamy White.

Fatbirder's Top 1000 Birding Websites


Common Merganser (WWT Slimbridge March 2012) - pic by Nigel Key Common Merganser (WWT Slimbridge March 2012) - pic by Nigel Key Common Merganser (WWT Slimbridge March 2012) - pic by Nigel Key
24/03/12 24/03/12 24/03/12
Common Merganser (WWT Slimbridge April 2011) - pic by Nigel Key Common Merganser (WWT Slimbridge April 2011) - pic by Nigel Key Common Merganser (WWT Slimbridge June 2011) - pic by Nigel Key
09/04/11 09/04/11 04/06/11
Photos copyright of ©Nigel Key
Click for larger image

Related Links:-

Sea Duck Identification -

You can help to protect wetland habitats in the UK and around the World by becoming a member of the WWT, visit official WWT site for details.


Common Merganser
Breeding Habitat - North America
Alaska, the Aleutians, Canada, Iceland, Scotland, Scandinavia, Russia, Finland, Siberia, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Romania, Mongolia and Kamchatka.
Winter Habitat or Migration Area
Winters to Arizona, New Mexico and North West Texas, British Isles, Iceland, Southern Scandinavia, Netherlands, Germany, Iraq, Iran, China, Korea and Japan.

WWT Slimbridge Location - Common Merganser
Eider Lake - WWT Slimbridge
© Nigel Key Eider Lake (WWT Slimbridge May 2015)

The Common Merganser can be found in the Eider Lake, along with the following wildfowl:-

Eider Lake (WWT Slimbridge)
Eider Lake.
Where can I find this location?
To locate the Eider Lake and places of interest at Slimbridge Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (W.W.T.), please click the above image for a map.

WWT Slimbridge Wildfowl (Listed Alphabetically)
A-B  | C-F  | G-L  | M-R  | S-Z
Wildfowl C to F
Canada Goose
Cape Barren Goose
Cape Teal
Chestnut Teal
Chilean Flamingo
Chiloe Wigeon
Cinnamon Teal
Comb Duck
Common Merganser
Coscoroba Swan
Crested Screamer
Demoiselle Crane
Emperor Goose
Eurasian Crane
Eurasian Teal
Eurasian Wigeon
Falcated Duck
Ferruginous Duck
Freckled Duck
Fulvous Whistling Duck