Nigel Key Canvasback
(Slimbridge July 2014)
The Canvasback is a Diving Duck found in North America.
The drakes sides, back and belly are White with a fine vermiculation resembling canvas weave which led to its name.
The Canvasback are effectively conserved by protecting their breeding grounds. They are currently classed as Least Concern.
Hear the Canvasback's Call:- |
Conservation Status

480mm to 560mm (19" to 22")
Appearance - Male
The male has a wedge shaped Chestnut Red head and neck, a long Black bill, Red eyes, Black breast, Grey back with a Black rump and Dark Grey tail. Sides and belly are White with vermiculation. Legs and feet are Bluish Grey.
Appearance - Female
The female has a Black bill, light Brown Head and neck, Dark Brown eyes, Dark Brown chest and foreback. Grey Brown sides, flank and back. The legs and feet are Blue grey.
Wetlands, Prairie Marshes, River Delta’s of North West United States.
Seeds, Buds, Leaves, Sago Pondweed Tubers, Roots, Snails and Insect Larvae.
Breeding Time
May to Early June.
The nest is built in a Marsh from vegetation and lined with down.
Quantity: 5 to 11
Colour: Greenish Drab.
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