Nigel Key Eurasian Wigeon
(Slimbridge April 2013)
The Eurasian Wigeon, also known as Widgeon, is a dabbling duck.
The Eurasian Wigeon is a close relative to the American Wigeon.
The Wigeon often gather with Coots and divers on the water and are known to feed off vegetation brought to the surface whilst the divers are feeding.
Hear the Eurasian Wigeon's Call:- |
Conservation Status
420mm to 520mm (17" to 20")
Appearance - Male
The male has a Chestnut head with a Cream forehead and crown, a Silver Grey bill with a Black tip, Pink breast, Grey flanks and back, a Green speculum and a White patch on the upper wings with a White belly. The legs and feet are Grey.
Appearance - Female
The female has mainly Grey Brown plumage with White underparts.
Wetlands, Grasslands, Lakes and Marshes.
Grasses, Aquatic plants, Seaweed, Pondweed, Eelgrass and Algae.
Breeding Time
May to June.
The Nest is built in a shallow depression on the ground, lined with grass and down near water.
Quantity: 7 to 10
Colour: Cream/Buff.