DEMOISELLE CRANE (Anthropoides virgo)

©Nigel Key Demoiselle Crane (Slimbridge April 2013)

The Demoiselle Crane is found in central Eurasia and is the smallest of the Cranes. It is similar in appearance to the Common Crane but is slightly smaller.

In India and Pakistan the Demoiselle Crane is refered to as the ‘Koonj’, with beautiful women often being compared to them because its long thin shape is considered graceful.

   Hear the Demoiselle Crane's Call:-
Conservation Status

850mm to 1000mm (34" to 39")

Appearance - Male
The male has Light Grey plumage with a Dark Grey head and neck. The head has a light Grey stripe from the bill to the nape and a White feather plume from the eye down the neck. The breast is Black, the eyes are Orange Red and the Legs and feet are Dark Grey.

Appearance - Female
Similar to the male.

Desert, Grassland, Streams and Lakes.

Grasses, Leaves, Berries, Cereal, Worms, Snails and small Mammals.

Breeding Time
March to April.

The nest is built in patchy tall vegetation for concealment.

Quantity: 2
Colour: Yellow Green with Light Purple Spots.

Fatbirder's Top 1000 Birding Websites


Demoiselle Crane (WWT Slimbridge April 2013) - pic by Nigel Key Demoiselle Crane (WWT Slimbridge April 2013) - pic by Nigel Key Demoiselle Crane (WWT Slimbridge April 2013) - pic by Nigel Key
06/04/13 06/04/13 06/04/13
Demoiselle Crane (WWT Slimbridge June 2009) - pic by Nigel Key Demoiselle Crane (WWT Slimbridge August 2011) - pic by Nigel Key Demoiselle Crane (WWT Slimbridge August 2011) - pic by Nigel Key
03/06/09 15/08/11 15/08/11
Photos copyright of ©Nigel Key
Click for larger image

Related Links:-

Black-Crowned Crane -

Eurasian Crane -

Grey-Crowned Crane -

Red-Crowned Crane -

Crane Identification -

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Demoiselle Crane
Breeding Habitat - Asia
Central and Eastern Asia.
Winter Habitat or Migration Area
Winter in India and North East Africa.

WWT Slimbridge Location - Demoiselle Crane
Geese Of The World - WWT Slimbridge
© Nigel Key Geese Of The World Zone (WWT Slimbridge November 2013)

The Demoiselle Crane was found in the Geese of the World Zone, along with the following wildfowl:-

Geese of the World Zone (WWT Slimbridge)
Geese of the World Zone.
Where can I find this location?
To locate the Geese of the World Zone and places of interest at Slimbridge Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (W.W.T.), please click the above image for a map.

WWT Slimbridge Wildfowl (Listed Alphabetically)
A-B  | C-F  | G-L  | M-R  | S-Z
Wildfowl C to F
Canada Goose
Cape Barren Goose
Cape Teal
Chestnut Teal
Chilean Flamingo
Chiloe Wigeon
Cinnamon Teal
Comb Duck
Common Merganser
Coscoroba Swan
Crested Screamer
Demoiselle Crane
Emperor Goose
Eurasian Crane
Eurasian Teal
Eurasian Wigeon
Falcated Duck
Ferruginous Duck
Freckled Duck
Fulvous Whistling Duck