Nigel Key Coscoroba Swan
(Slimbridge April 2015)
The Coscoroba Swan is the smallest of the wildfowl called a ‘Swan’. It belongs to the subfamily Anserinae in the family Anatidae which includes ducks, swans and geese.
The Coscoroba Swan shows all attributes associated with the Anatidae family, the body is like a small swan, the head is like a goose and the bill is similar to a duck.
Hear the Coscoroba Swan's Call:- |
Conservation Status

875mm to 1125mm (33" to 45")
Appearance - Male
The male has mainly White plumage with Black tips on it outer primary feathers, Brown eyes, Red bill, pinkish Legs and feet.
Appearance - Female
Similar to the male.
Its habitat is well-vegetated Swamps and Lagoons.
Grasses, Aquatic Vegetation, Aquatic Insects, Mussels and Fish.
Breeding Time
July to October
The nest is built from vegetation in the shape of a conical mound near water, in reeds or long grass. The mound has a slight depression which is lined with grasses and feathers from the female.
Quantity: 4 to 7
Colour: Creamy White.