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COMB DUCK (Sarkidiornis melanotos)

©Nigel Key South African Comb Duck (Slimbridge June 2015)

The Comb Duck, or Knob Billed Duck, is pan-tropic found in the tropical wetlands of Africa, Madagascar, South Asia and in South America.

The Comb duck is currently classed as least concern, however, its numbers are in decline due to habitat loss and hunting.

   Hear the Comb Duck's Call:-
Conservation Status

560mm to 760mm (22" to 30")

Appearance - Male
The male has a White dark spot freckled head, White neck and underparts. The upperparts are Blue Black with a Blue Green iridescence prominent on the secondary feathers. The bill is Grey Black with a large Black ‘Knob’ from which it gets its common name.

Appearance - Female
The female is similar to the males except it lacks the Knob on the bill and is slightly smaller and duller.

Wooded Lakes, Freshwater Swamps and Tropical Wetlands.

Grazes on Grass, Aquatic Vegetation, Seeds, Sedges, Aquatic Insects, Invertebrates and small Fish.

Breeding Time
They breed during and after the rainy season and may not breed at all in times of scanty rain or drought.

Nests in Tree cavities or in tall grass near to water.

Quantity: 7 to 15
Colour: Yellow/White.

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South African Comb Duck (WWT Slimbridge July 2014) - pic by Nigel Key South African Comb Duck (WWT Slimbridge June 2015) - pic by Nigel Key South African Comb Duck (WWT Slimbridge June 2015) - pic by Nigel Key
22/07/14 30/06/15 30/06/15
South African Comb Duck (WWT Slimbridge 20) - pic by Nigel Key South African Comb Duck (WWT Slimbridge 20) - pic by Nigel Key South African Comb Duck (WWT Slimbridge 20) - pic by Nigel Key
16/03/14 16/03/14 22/07/14
South African Comb Duck (WWT Slimbridge March 2014) - pic by Nigel Key South African Comb Duck (WWT Slimbridge March 2014) - pic by Nigel Key South African Comb Duck (WWT Slimbridge March 2014) - pic by Nigel Key
16/03/14 16/03/14 16/03/14
South African Comb Duck (WWT Slimbridge June 2011) - pic by Nigel Key South African Comb Duck (WWT Slimbridge June 2011) - pic by Nigel Key South African Comb Duck (WWT Slimbridge March 2014) - pic by Nigel Key
04/06/11 04/06/11 16/03/14
American Comb Duck (WWT Slimbridge May 2012) - pic by Nigel Key American Comb Duck (WWT Slimbridge July 2014) - pic by Nigel Key American Comb Duck (WWT Slimbridge June 2015) - pic by Nigel Key
26/05/12 22/07/14 30/06/15
Photos copyright of ©Nigel Key
Click for larger image

Related Links:-

You can help to protect wetland habitats in the UK and around the World by becoming a member of the WWT, visit official WWT site for details.


Comb Duck
Breeding Habitat - Africa/South America
Sub-Saharan Africa, Madagascar, Southern Asia, also South America in East Paraguay, South East Brazil and North East Argentina.
Winter Habitat or Migration Area
Non-Migratory though it will respond to rainfall and is known to make extensive journeys in the search for water.

WWT Slimbridge Location - Comb Duck
South America Zone - WWT Slimbridge
© Nigel Key South America Zone (WWT Slimbridge September 2012)

The Comb Duck can be found in the South America Zone.

South America Zone (WWT Slimbridge)
South America Zone.
Where can I find this location?
To locate the South America Zone and places of interest at Slimbridge Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (W.W.T.), please click the above image for a map.

WWT Slimbridge Wildfowl (Listed Alphabetically)
A-B  | C-F  | G-L  | M-R  | S-Z
Wildfowl C to F
Canada Goose
Cape Barren Goose
Cape Teal
Chestnut Teal
Chilean Flamingo
Chiloe Wigeon
Cinnamon Teal
Comb Duck
Common Merganser
Coscoroba Swan
Crested Screamer
Demoiselle Crane
Emperor Goose
Eurasian Crane
Eurasian Teal
Eurasian Wigeon
Falcated Duck
Ferruginous Duck
Freckled Duck
Fulvous Whistling Duck