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MUSCOVY DUCK (Cairina moschata)

©Nigel Key Muscovy Duck (Slimbridge March 2014)

The Muscovy Duck is a large perching duck native to Mexico, Central and South America.

The Muscovy Duck is the only duck that is not genetically related to the Mallard.

The Muscovy Duck is divided into two species, the wild duck 'Cairina moschata sylvestris' and the domestic duck 'Cairina moschata domestica'.

   Hear the Muscovy Duck's Call:-
Conservation Status

660mm to 840mm (26" to 33")

Appearance - Male
The male has Black with Green/Purple tinge plumage, a short crest on the nape, Black bill with speckled pale Pink. A Blackish knob is at the base of the bill and a bare Black and Red face. The eyes are Yellowish Brown, the wing coverts are White and the legs and feet are dark Grey.

Appearance - Female
The female is similar to the male except it lacks the knob at the base of the bill and is slightly smaller.

Rivers, Ponds, Lakes, Streams and Wooded Swamps.

Aquatic Plants and Insects, Roots, Seeds, Crabs, Fish and small mammals.

Breeding Time
May to July.

The nest is built in a hole or a hollow tree.

Quantity: 8 to 15
Colour: Greenish White.

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Muscovy Duck (WWT Slimbridge August 2016) - pic by Nigel Key Muscovy Duck (WWT Slimbridge October 2016) - pic by Nigel Key Muscovy Duck (WWT Slimbridge March 2019) - pic by Nigel Key
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Muscovy Duck (WWT Slimbridge March 2014) - pic by Nigel Key Muscovy Duck (WWT Slimbridge March 2014) - pic by Nigel Key Muscovy Duck (WWT Slimbridge March 2014) - pic by Nigel Key
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Muscovy Duck (WWT Slimbridge October 2011) - pic by Nigel Key Muscovy Duck (WWT Slimbridge March 2012) - pic by Nigel Key Muscovy Duck (WWT Slimbridge September 2013) - pic by Nigel Key
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Muscovy Duck (WWT Slimbridge October 2011) - pic by Nigel Key Muscovy Duck (WWT Slimbridge October 2011) - pic by Nigel Key Muscovy Duck (WWT Slimbridge October 2011) - pic by Nigel Key
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Photos copyright of ©Nigel Key
Click for larger image

Related Links:-

Mallard -

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Muscovy Duck
Breeding Habitat - South America
Mexico, South coast of Peru, Argentina and Texas.
Winter Habitat or Migration Area

WWT Slimbridge Location - Muscovy Duck
South America Zone - WWT Slimbridge
© Nigel Key South America Zone (WWT Slimbridge September 2012)

The Muscovy Duck can be found in the South America Zone.
South America Zone (WWT Slimbridge)
South America Zone.
Where can I find this location?
To locate the South America Zone and places of interest at Slimbridge Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (W.W.T.), please click the above image for a map.

WWT Slimbridge Wildfowl (Listed Alphabetically)
A-B  | C-F  | G-L  | M-R  | S-Z
Wildfowl M to R
Maccoa Duck
Madagascar Teal
Magpie Goose
Magellan Goose
Marbled Teal
Muscovy Duck
Mute Swan
Northern Pintail
Northern Shoveler
Orinoco Goose
Pacific Black Duck
Patagonian Crested Duck
Philippine Duck
Pink-Eared Duck
Pink-Footed Goose
Plumed Whistling Duck
Puna Teal
Radjah Shelduck
Red-Billed Teal
Red-Breasted Goose
Red-Crowned Crane
Red-Crested Pochard
Red Shoveler
Ring-Necked Duck
Ringed Teal
Ross's Goose
Ruddy Duck
Ruddy-Headed Goose
Ruddy Shelduck