Nigel Key Greater Flamingo
(Slimbridge November 2013)
The Greater Flamingo is the largest species of Flamingo and is closely related to the American Flamingo and the Chilean Flamingo.
hey use their long legs and webbed feet to stir up the bottom of the water and use the bills to suck up mud and water to filter the food.
The average lifspan of a captive Greater Flamingo is over 60 years.
Hear the Greater Flamingo's Call:- |
Conservation Status
1100mm to 1500mm (43" to 59")
Appearance - Male
The males plumage is Pinkish White with Red wing coverts, Black primary and secondary feathers. The bill is Pink with a Black tip and the eyes are light Yellow. The legs and feet are Pink.
Appearance - Female
The female is similar to the male but slightly smaller.
Wetlands, Saline Lakes, Lagoons, Mudflats and Estuaries.
Algae, Diatoms, Crustaceans, Shrimp and Insects.
Breeding Time
April to August.
The Greater Flamingo lays a single egg on a mud mound.
Quantity: 1
Colour: Chalky White.