AFRICAN PYGMY GOOSE (Nettapus auritus)

©Nigel Key African Pygmy Goose (Slimbridge May 2013)

Dispite it's name, the African Pygmy Goose is actually a perching duck from sub-Saharan Africa and is the smallest of Africa's wildfowl.

Although African Pygmy Geese have bills similar to geese, they are more related to Dabbling Ducks.

The African Pygmy Goose have short legs and consequently are rarely seen on land though they can be seen perching on logs or branches.

Their call is a high pitched whistle which is often made during flight.

   Hear the African Pygmy Goose's Call:-
Conservation Status

280mm to 300mm (11" to 12")

Appearance - Male
The male African Pygmy Goose has a White head with metallic Black crown and hind-neck, metallic Green ear patches, Brown-Red eyes, bright Yellow bill with a Black nail. The lower neck, breast and flanks are a Chestnut-Brown colour with a White abdomen. The upperparts and tail are metallic Green-Black and the wings are Green-Black with a White streak. The legs and feet are dark Grey-Black.

Appearance - Female
The female is similar but has duller plumage, a dark eye stripe and a Grey-Yellow bill.

Shallow Lakes, Swamps, slow-moving Rivers with plenty of vegetation located from sub-saharan Africa down to South Africa and Madagascar.

Aquatic Plants, particularly Water-lily Seeds, Roots, Leaves, Grasses and Aquatic Invertebrates.

Breeding Time
October to December.

They nest in tree hollows.

Quantity: 6 to 12
Colour: Ivory-White.

Fatbirder's Top 1000 Birding Websites


African Pygmy Goose (WWT Slimbridge May 2013) - pic by Nigel Key African Pygmy Goose (WWT Slimbridge May 2013) - pic by Nigel Key African Pygmy Goose (WWT Slimbridge May 2013) - pic by Nigel Key
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African Pygmy Goose (WWT Slimbridge May 2013) - pic by Nigel Key African Pygmy Goose (WWT Slimbridge May 2013) - pic by Nigel Key African Pygmy Goose (WWT Slimbridge May 2013) - pic by Nigel Key
25/05/13 25/05/13 25/05/13
Photos copyright of ©Nigel Key
Click for larger image

Related Links:-

Dabbling Ducks -

You can help to protect wetland habitats in the UK and around the World by becoming a member of the WWT, visit official WWT site for details.


Tropical House
Breeding Habitat - Africa
From Sub-Saharan Africa down to South Africa and Madagascar.
Winter Habitat or Migration Area
Partially migratory following water availability.

WWT Slimbridge Location - African Pygmy Goose
Tropical House - WWT Slimbridge
© Nigel Key Tropical House (WWT Slimbridge May 2015)

The African Pygmy Goose was found in the Tropical House, along with the following wildfowl:-
Brazilian Teal
Freckled Duck
Lesser Whistling Duck
Madagascar Teal
Pink-Eared Duck
White-Backed Duck
Tropical House (WWT Slimbridge)
The above map shows where the Tropical House was situated before its demolition. It has been replaced by the Living Wetland Theatre and the Waterscapes Aviary.

WWT Slimbridge Wildfowl (Listed Alphabetically)
A-B  | C-F  | G-L  | M-R  | S-Z
Wildfowl A to B
African Black Duck
African Pygmy Goose
American Black Duck
American Flamingo
American Wigeon
American Wood Duck
Andean Flamingo
Andean Goose
Argentinian Ruddy Duck
Ashy-Headed Goose
Australian Shelduck
Australian Shoveler
Australian Wood Duck
Baer's Pochard
Baikal Teal
Bar-Headed Goose
Barnacle Goose
Barrow's Goldeneye
Bean Goose
Bewick's Swan
Black-Bellied Whistling Duck
Black-Crowned Crane
Black-Headed Duck
Black-Necked Swan
Black Swan
Blue-Winged Goose
Blue-Winged Teal
Brazilian Teal
Brent Goose
Bronze-Winged Duck