Has an irridescent Black head and upper neck with a large White patch from the eye round to the back of
the head creating a crest. The bill is Blue/Grey and the eyes are Brown. The upperparts are Black, lower
neck and underparts are White. The legs and feet are Pink.
A Black head with White cheeks and a Green/Grey nape. The breast and upperparts are White, the flanks
Black, a Black rump and tail. The distinctive bill is Green/Grey and the feet and legs are Olive Green.
A Green/Black head with a round White patch on the cheek in front of a Deep 'Golden' Yellow eye and a
Black bill. The neck, breast, belly and flanks are White. The tail and back are Black with White scapulars.
The legs and feet are Orange/Yellow.
A Black iridescent Green crest, head and neck, Red hooked bill, Black upperparts, White Breast with a
Salmon/Pink tinge and flanks, White underparts wirh a Grey tail and rump. The feet and
legs are Red/Orange.
Hooded Merganser.
The Hooded Merganser has a black head with a large white patch from behind the yellow eye to its bushy
crest which can be expanded or contracted. The neck and back are black with a black band across a white
breast, reddish-brown flanks, and a thin black bill.
Has White plumage, a Black eye patch down the the dark Grey bill, a White crest with Black at the base.
The back rump and wings have Grey/Black markings and the sides are light Grey with dark vermiculations.
The legs and feet are Grey.
Now that we have identified the Sea Ducks, where can we find them at WWT Slimbridge?
They can be found in the following Zones: -
Bufflehead. -
North America Zone.
Eider. -
Eider Lake.
Goldeneye. -
Eider Lake.
Merganser. -
Eider Lake.
Hooded Merganser. -
North America Zone.
Smew. -
Eider Lake.
Did You Know?
| The Bufflehead is named from 'Buffalo' and 'Head' due to its oddly shaped bulbous head. |
| The Eider duck was farmed for the down which was used for making quilts resulting in the term 'eiderdown'. |
| The eyes of the Goldeneye are Grey/Brown when hatched and turn to Purple, Blue and then Green as they age. By the time they have matured their eyes have become bright Yellow. |
| The Merganser has serrated edges to their bills helping them grip their prey resulting in their name 'sawbills'. |
| The Hooded Merganser has a third clear eyelid which allows prey to be caught by sight whilst swimming under water. |
Related Links:-
Crane Identification
Dabbling Duck Identification
Diving Duck Identification
Flamingo Identification
Geese Identification
Sea Duck Identification
Shelduck Identification
Shoveler Identification
Swan Identification
Whistling Duck Identification
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