Nigel Key Cape Teal
(Slimbridge November 2013)
The Cape Teal is a dabbling duck of sub-saharan Africa.
The Cape Teal is similar to the Red-Billed Teal but has a Pink rather than Red bill and lacks the dark cap and White cheeks. (Compare Teal)
Although the Cape Teal is a dabbling duck, it is also able to dive and swim underwater with their wings closed like true divers.
Hear the Cape Teal's Call:- |
Conservation Status
350mm to 380mm (14" to 15")
Appearance - Male
The male has a Pink bill with Black at its tip and base, Red eyes, mottled pale Grey head, mottled dark Brown back, pale Grey mottled breast, flanks and tail. The speculum is Green and Black bordered with White.
Appearance - Female
Similar to the male but paler and smaller.
Shallow Saline Lakes, brackish or saline Pools, Rivers and Flooded Wetlands, Reservoirs, Estuaries and tidal Mudflats.
Aquatic Plants, Invertebrates, Crustaceans and Amphibians.
Breeding Time
March to May.
Built in a shallow hollow on the ground under vegetation near water.
Quantity: 6 to 11
Colour: Creamy White.